Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jumbo Frame Test

How can you tell if jumbo frames are working between two devices. Well the easiest way I know is a simple ping test.

# ping -s 8000 -M do -c 1
PING ( 8000(8028) bytes of data.
8008 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.555 ms
# ping -s 9000 -M do -c 1
PING ( 9000(9028) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Frag needed and DF set (mtu = 9000)

# ping -s 8000 -d
PING ( 8000 data bytes
8008 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.410 ms
# ping -s 9000 -d
PING ( 9000 data bytes
sendto() failed (Message too long)
Even though we set the mtu size to 9000 bytes not all of it can be used by the ICMP payload. The reason for this is because of the 28 bytes of overhead needed for IP plus ICMP. This means the maximum would be 9000 - 28 = 8972 but anything larger than 1472 should prove the point.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

NetApp SDK for Java Part 2

Last time I gave a very basic example of the NetApp SDK using Java so I thought I would post something a bit more complex today. Most of the API calls use a String or boolean as the required type but some need nested NaElement objects. This isn't terribly difficult in itself but I find sorting through the documentation when nesting can be a bit tricky. To illustrate this I'm going to use the removal of an NFS export for two reasons:
  1. It has very few nested elements
  2. It has a bug in the documentation
Here is the API entry to remove an NFS export:
Input Name Range Type Description
all-pathnames boolean
Default value is false. Set to true to delete all rules. 'pathnames' option must be left empty if this option is true.
pathnames pathname-info[]
In the Data ONTAP 7-Mode, these must be the pathnames to be deleted from the exports table. In Data ONTAP Cluster-Mode, the junction paths of the volumes to be unexported must be provided.
persistent boolean
In Data ONTAP 7-Mode, default value is false. Modify the etc/exports file to delete the rules permanently. CAUTION: If 'all-pathnames' and 'persistent' are both true, all exports are removed permanently. In Data ONTAP Cluster-Mode, the export entries are always persistent. Default value is true. If false, an error will be returned.
verbose boolean
Return a verbose output of what occurred. If there is an error after deleting only a few rules, 'deleted-pathnames' will return which rules were deleted. Default value is false.
The first thing to notice is that the pathname-info[] type looks like its an array. What the API really means to say is pathname-info is another node in our XML document of type NaElement. If we click on that link we get another entry shown here:
Element definition: pathname-info
Name Range Type Description
pathname string
pathname of the file. Pathname must be of the format /vol//
To complete our request, we are going to need to have multiple NaElements to represent each node in our XML document. I'm only going to reference the request code here, you can look at the previous post for netappServer details.
NaElement request = new NaElement("nfs-exportfs-delete-rules");
request.addNewChild("persistent", "true");
NaElement pathName = new NaElement("name", "/vol/volume");
NaElement pathNameInfo = new NaElement("pathname-info");
NaElement pathNames = new NaElement("pathnames");
try {
   response = netappServer.invokeElem(request);
} catch (Exception e) {
Walking through the code, the first two lines are pretty simple. The main NaElement named "request" is created with our desired action and I've added an option titled "persistent" to save the changes to the exports file. After that, I've kind of worked backwards. The pathnames input requires another element called pathname-info, and that requires an element called "pathname".

The "pathname" element is created with the line NaElement pathName = new NaElement("name", "/vol/volume");. Notice how it doesn't say "pathname" like the documentation states but rather "name". This is the bug I spent several hours of my life on. I found a reference dating back to 2008 on version 3.0R1 of the API. I'm using SDK 4.1 and it's still wrong. If you run the code with "pathname" as the documentation states you'll get an error that looks like this.
netapp.manage.NaAPIFailedException: Element 'name' is NULL (errno=13114)
However, after having worked that out, we create the required "pathname-info" and add the child element we just created as shown in these two lines.
NaElement pathNameInfo = new NaElement("pathname-info");
We then create the element we originally wanted, called "pathnames", and add "pathname-info" to it.
NaElement pathNames = new NaElement("pathnames");
And finally, we add that whole assembly to the original request.
Using a graphical representation, we end up with this.
The SDK developers have done a nice job of NaElement's toString() method which will dump the XML for you to see what's going on. The above code will produce the following when request.toString() is called.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

NetApp SDK for Java Basics

I've been working with the NetApp Manageability SDK for a while now and I think I have the basics down. While there are samples in the SDK, I thought I make some notes here in case someone else is looking or I just plain forget. First, there are only a handful of objects to deal with. I actually find this a bit annoying as I'm constantly looking to the API documentation to find out how to create a meaningful query which then requires me to type error prone (for me) strings rather than static variables or methods. For the most part this is pretty easy but can get rough in a couple of spots.

As an example lets create a snapshot. The API documentation is located in the download pack under doc/ontap/ontapapi_1.15/7-Mode/snapshot/index.html and looks like this:

Input Name Range Type Description
async boolean
If true, the snapshot is to be created asynchronously. The default value is false.
is-valid-lun-clone-snapshot boolean
If true, the snapshot create has been requested by snapvault hence all backing snapshots for all the lun clones in this snapshot will be locked. This ensures the consistency of this snapshot. The default value is false.
snapshot string
Name of the snapshot to be created. The maximum string length is 256 characters.
volume string
Name of the volume on which the snapshot is to be created. The volume name can contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character (_), but the first character must be a letter or an underscore.
I need two objects to get the job done, an NaServer to talk to the array, and an NaElement to do the work as an XML document. According to the documentation, the NaElement I need to create is called "snapshot-create" and has two mandatory fields, "snapshot" and "volume". Since both of these are strings and the options are boolean, it looks something like this.
String arrayName = "";
String userName = "administrator";
String password = "password";
String volumeName = "volume";
String snapName = "snapname.0";
NaServer netappServer = null;
NaElement request, response;
try {
   netappServer = new NaServer(arrayName);
   netappServer.setAdminUser(userName, password);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
request = new NaElement("snapshot-create");
request.addNewChild("volume", volumeName);
request.addNewChild("snapshot", snapName);
try {
   response = netappServer.invokeElem(request);
} catch (Exception e) {
The request portion is the interesting part. It's telling the array I want to create a snapshot for volume /vol/volume called snapname.0. I'm not using any of the options but if you do, remember that everything is added as a string. I really want to add request.addNewChild("async", true); but that won't work. You'll have to use true as a string value and end up with request.addNewChild("async", "true");

There are of course a number of things that can go wrong. Errors caused by your request will generally throw an NaAPIFailedException. You can grab the error number with e.getErrno() and then compare it against static references in the NaErrno class. Something like this
try {
    response = netappServer.invokeElem(request);
} catch (NaAPIFailedException e) {
switch (e.getErrno()) {
        System.out.println("snap already exists");